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Train Your Employees with a Cyber Security Course

A cyber security course is a great start to the year to train your employees. It is not merely educating your employees on cyber security matters, but this knowledge will help protect your business from external threats. Every business is at risk from some form of cyber attack, hence investing in cyber training for your employees is a wise decision.

The rapid rise of emerging cyber threats

According to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) cyber security attacks remained a common threat in 2023 (NCSC).

“32% of businesses and 24% of charities overall recall any breaches or attacks from the last 12 months. This is much higher for medium businesses (59%), large businesses (69%) and high-income charities with £500,000 or more in annual income (56%).”


In the same article by the NCSC, it stated that larger companies experienced cyber-attacks more than small companies. However, this may be a sign of smaller companies underreporting incidents. At Cambridge Support we know how devastating cyber-attacks can be on businesses and would advise on developing a cyber security strategy. But for this article, we are focusing on one aspect of that strategy, which is training your employees.

Employees are the weak point

Employees are the weak point in any cyber security strategy. Cyber-attacks are successful because employees fall for phishing scams or click on malicious links. Training can educate your employees to learn the best practices and avoid these threats in the first place. The most common mistakes that employees make are:

  • Using weak passwords
  • Clicking on malicious links in emails
  • Not following set security procedures
  • Not careful concerning sharing personal information online
  • Lack the understanding to assess an email for validity and integrity, or identify if it is legitimate.

How we can help: the cyber security course

Our sister company, Cambridge IT Security provides a cyber security course suitable for any company.

Key Objectives of the cyber security course

The course equips employees in the following areas:

  • Threat Awareness: understand the various forms of cyber threats, such as phishing attacks, malware, social engineering, and more.
  • Best Practices: learn and adopt best practices for password management, email security, safe web browsing, and data protection.
  • Security Protocols: familiarise you with your organisation’s cybersecurity policies and protocols to ensure compliance and effective risk management.
  • Incident Response: learn how to recognise, report, and respond to suspicious activities.

Course Details

  • Access: Run regularly at our head offices in St Neots or St Johns Innovation Centre in Cambridge.
  • Investment: £57 per delegate including light buffet lunch.
  • Duration: Approximately 2 hours, relaxed, face to face classroom sessions.
  • Certification: The certificate shows your commitment to cyber security awareness.

What our attendees said about the course

Here are a few comments from those who have attended the course:

“The event was all round, and included where you might trip up over personal security.”

“Useful tips and advice about an area where I have little technical knowledge.”

What we suggest

At Cambridge Support we recommend enrolling your employees on the cyber security course provided by Cambridge IT Security. This course will provide your employees with a good understanding of cyber attacks; recognising, reporting, and responding to suspicious activities. Overall, they will feel equipped and more confident online.