Ensuring your systems are secure
IT infrastructure is a critical part of many businesses, responsible for handling all of your digital assets and customer data. Therefore, it is vital that your infrastructure is secure as any external vulnerabilities could enable an attacker to gain access to anything on your network. That’s why we offer IT infrastructure penetration testing. Cambridge Support offers penetration testing that aims to identify any problems or vulnerabilities in your network. Our tests identify vulnerabilities that could be used by an attacker to gain access to your system. In addition, these tests can detect poor hardware configurations, ineffective security systems or weak areas of your infrastructure.

Why should you perform penetration testing?
Penetration testing is an effective way of checking your IT infrastructure for security problems. If an attacker accessed your system, all of your data secured on it may be at risk. It is important to test your infrastructure sooner rather than later, because it’s better to find problems now, rather than wait until a security incident affects your entire business. While we do offer incident response services, we’d rather your business never had the need for them in the first place.
See our incident response servicesHow can we help?
- Give you real-world insight into your infrastructure vulnerabilities
- Provide you with information about any out-of-date software with security problems
- Identify any missing software security patches
- Find any security problems across your software, firewalls and operating systems
- Identify the need for encryption or more secure protocols across your network